
UsaProxy 2.0 available - enabling shared browsing sessions !

UsaProxy 2.0 (116KB. Release: Dec. 2006)


  • Enables collaborative browsing sessions where one user can watch the other user's interactions on the commonly visited web pages (remote monitoring mode), or where both can control the shared session (shared browsing mode).
  • The collaborating partners are provided with a second mouse pointer and an integrated chat layer.
  • Remote interactions are appropriately reconstructed in the browser e.g. pages are automatically loaded, the second mouse pointer follows the mouse movements of the partner, hovered-over DOM elements are highlighted, remote changes in form fields are locally applied.

More information will follow !

Readme file with deployment and usage instructions

Java code documentation (141KB)

UsaProxy requires JDK 1.3

This program is free software and can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

UsaProxy 2.0 Source files (Java) (112KB. Release: Sep. 2006)


UsaProxy 1.5 (28KB. Release: Sep. 2006)


  • Much more detailed event logging including text selection, dropdown, radio button, and checkbox selection, DOM path of all clicked, hovered, focused, blurred, or selected elements. In case AJAX technology (XMLHttpRequest) is available on the user's client, logging is performed by the use of it.
  • Instead of the full requested URL, an ID is logged referring to the respective txt-file which contains the full request headers and data.
  • UsaProxy may now be lauched in transparent proxy and server-side mode. Bugs repaired and UsaProxy main application recomposed.

Readme file with usage instructions

UsaProxy requires JDK 1.3

This program is free software and can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

UsaProxy 1.5 Source files (Java) (26KB. Release: Sep. 2006)


UsaProxy 1.01 (28KB. Release: Feb. 2006)

Readme file with usage instructions

UsaProxy requires JDK 1.3

This program is free software and can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

UsaProxy 1.01 Source files (Java) (26KB. Release: Feb. 2006)

© Media Informatics Group - University of Munich
Media Informatics